Monday, May 31, 2010

Out of Leadville, to the trails

So I can't guarantee that all these spots are in order...but we tried to be accurate according to the course map. Going out of Leadville at the start, looks like you hit PowerLine climb pretty quickly after you leave pavement. So here are photos going out of Leadville parallel to the train tracks and creek toward the start of the PowerLine ascent of about 1,000 ft (one of the toughest according to my research and what folks - like Lance - have said). After getting out of the dirt double-track I'm guessing you have single track in the forest to deal with as well. We couldn't get to much of the climb as it was PRIVATE land. But I'll tell you - it's a healthy steady climb on the outside of Turquoise Lake. Some photos will follow to give you an idea.

leaving pavement - the climb along St. Kevin Gulch and beneath the actual power lines.

You'll see a lot of this, buddy!

OK, here we are on what I THINK is your route off pavement and into the trails at the start of the race. This is where you part ways with pavement and start the climb around Turquoise Lake.

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